Oscars: 10 Worst Films Ever Nominated

3. Patch Adams (Best Original Music or Comedy Score)

patch adams Since Good Will Hunting and with an Academy Award to show for it, Robin Williams had taken the path of becoming a serious actor, forging a second career that contrasted dramatically to that of his first, with Bill Murray another who chose the same route after his success in the Wes Anderson film Rushmore. However, among some very good films such as One Hour Photo and Insomnia, he chose to portray the real life doctor of Patch Adams. The first problem with this film is that the character is just too unbearable to connect with the audience; our sympathy just isn€™t placed in the characters development throughout the film. The films also sues the protagonists pure heart to create some truly cliché scenes that try to be evocative but instead become embarrassing and awkward to watch. The film is so bad that the real life Patch Adams has stated that he hates the movie, with it missing his message entirely in order to sell the film and portraying him as just a funny doctor. It€™s a shame as Patch Adams could have been something that evoked the true essence of the man. Instead we were given an obnoxious, overbearing fool in a pretty shameless film that is truly forgettable.
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Currently in my 3rd year studying for a BA in English Literature & Film at Edinburgh Napier University. Twitter - @niallmcloughlin