Oscars 2015: 10 Biggest Surprises From The Ceremony
3. The Ending Of Gone Girl Spoiled
In a bid to be kinder than the Academy, there's a Gone Girl spoiler warning for this entry. The awards notice Rosamund Pike got for her role in Gone Girl has posed a rather tricky dilemma; just what do you talk about? Her character is the eponymous absentee, so to put focus on her performance reveals she's clearly going to be more important to events that her disappeared status suggests. And as much of what makes her turn Oscar-worthy is dependent on a movie-defining twist (in a gross over-reaction, she faked her murder to get back at her cheating husband), keeping things quiet for those who haven't seen it is hard. Nobody at the Oscars seemed to bother keeping the mystery alive. Throughout the show there were references to the character's ulterior nature, with Desi's death and the general tone of the film repeatedly alluded to. Those picking the clips to show when reading out the nominees clearly didn't care either, showing a scene that not only confrims that Amy and Nick are reunited, but reveals the former's darker side.