Oscars 2017: 8 Ups And 6 Downs

3. Viola Davis' Acceptance Speech

Oscars 2017 Viola Davis

"You know, there's one place that all the people with the greatest potential are gathered — one place, and that's the graveyard."

That's a hell of an opening line from Viola Davis, who picked up her first Oscar on the night and then delivered a speech worthy of an award itself. She continues:

"People ask me all the time, “What kind of stories do you want to tell, Viola?” And I say, “Exhume those bodies.” Exhume those stories — the stories of the people who dreamed big and never saw those dreams to fruition. People who fell in love and lost. I became an artist, and thank God I did because we are the only profession that celebrates what it means to live a life. So here's to August Wilson, who exhumed and exalted the ordinary people."

It's a touching sentiment, and on an occasion where acting was being celebrated, it really got deep into the core of the profession.


NCTJ-qualified journalist. Most definitely not a racing driver. Drink too much tea; eat too much peanut butter; watch too much TV. Sadly only the latter paying off so far. A mix of wise-old man in a young man's body with a child-like wonder about him and a great otherworldly sensibility.