Oscars 2018: 11 Blockbuster Movies That Deserve Best Picture Consideration

2. Logan

Logan Hugh Jackman

Just as the core X-Men franchise has begun to feel unbearably stagnant, James Mangold and Hugh Jackman teamed up to deliver this singular, ultra-violent shot in the arm, a western-styled chase film with a greater focus on character development and less on bombastic CGI-fuelled set-pieces.

Sitting alongside The Dark Knight as one of the very best superhero movies ever made, Logan transcends the "trappings" of its genre to deliver an uncommonly satisfying, emotionally resonant and superbly acted vision of what R-rated comic book cinema can be when it's not Deadpool.

How Likely Is It?: Though there is a passionate quarter of fans rooting for the movie to at least score an acting nomination for either Hugh Jackman or Patrick Stewart, there's zero chance it'll score a Best Picture nod.

The best it can hope for, sadly, is Best Production Design. Anything else is basically a pipe dream. 2/10


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.