Oscars 2021 Review: 8 Ups & 8 Downs

3. Best Supporting Actress: Youn Yuh-Jung Prevents A Glenn Close Victory

Oscars 2021

Though the Best Supporting Actress Oscar race swung in favour of Minari's Youn Yuh-jung in recent weeks, her win was by no means guaranteed with well-supported heavyweights like Olivia Colman (The Father) and Glenn Close (Hillbilly Elegy) in the mix.

Given that this was Close's eighth win without a nomination, she's the Oscars' current go-to "over-deserving" darling, and so it wouldn't have been at all surprising if voters effectively gave her a career Oscar for the Ron Howard drama.

But given that Hillbilly Elegy is in no way nomination-worthy and this is surely the weakest of all Close's nominated performances - more the fault of the script than her work - it's a relief that she didn't take home the gold for undeserving work.

Considering that Close is imminently due to begin shooting a movie adaptation of the musical Sunset Boulevard - for which Close won a Best Actress Tony Award back in 1995 - there's a very solid chance she'll take home the gong for that film. Everyone wins.

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Oscars 2021
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.