Oscars 2014: 10 Hopeful Best Picture Contenders

5. The Wolf of Wall Street

Chance: Hotly Tipped If a Coen Brothers movie is a shoo in for a Best Picture nomination, then a Martin Scorsese movie is a slot filler from the moment it's announced. The man has across the board appeal, and has been able to please both critics and audiences consistently throughout his entire career. The Wolf Of Wall Street is his return to the world of adults, as well as his return to Hard R rated filmmaking, and it looks like the wait has been worth it. However, the incident at a recent Academy screening that had an older voter berating Scorsese for his "filth" filled movie raises a concern for the film's overall success: is the movie too vulgar for even the Academy to award? Again, the Academy tends to skew older, whereas Scorsese's filmmaking seems not to have aged a day. Then again, the last movie Scorsese won the Best Picture honors with was The Departed, and that was pretty dirty in and of itself. The topical nature, as well as the brewing controversy, only help to get this film noticed. Also, to weigh in on the big question this movie poses come Oscar Season, yes... this could be the one that Leo wins for. Unfortunately, that might be the pity party that this movie gets instead of a Best Picture win.

Mike Reyes may or may not be a Time Lord, but he's definitely the Doctor Who editor here at What Culture. In addition to his work at What Culture, Mr. Reyes writes for Cocktails and Movies, as well as his own personal blogs Mr. Controversy and The Bookish Kind. On top of that, he's also got a couple Short Stories and Novels in various states of completion, like any good writer worth their salt. He resides in New Jersey, and compiles his work from all publications on his Facebook page.