Oscars Nominations 2022: 8 Ups & 9 Downs

3. Spider-Man: No Way Home Gets The Only Nomination It Deserves

Spider-Man: No Way Home Tom Holland
Marvel Studios

With Spider-Man: No Way Home's phenomenal box office performance making it the latest film to "save" cinema, there was much discussion over whether or not it could pull a Black Panther and break through into bigger awards categories such as Best Picture.

The odds were certainly against it, especially as the superhero epic failed to pick up much traction at all on the precursor circuit, but it still had a passionate legion of fans cheering it on.

Ultimately, however, No Way Home received just a single nomination for Best Visual Effects, which even accepting some of its rougher VFX due to the film's rushed post-production schedule, is really the one it even remotely deserved.

The online cheerleading for the film as a legitimate awards contender was laughable, so thankfully the Academy wasn't suckered in by it, or felt that they "owed" the movie for carrying the global box office into the new year.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.