Pacific Rim 3: 10 Things We Want To See

1. A New Director

Pacific Rim Uprising
Universal Pictures

And finally, a lot of the movie's problems come down to director Steven S. DeKnight just not being experienced enough to handle this sort of material. Yes, the script has a world of problems on its own, but this was DeKnight's directorial debut, and it really showed.

The shot selections felt wildly inferior to Guillermo del Toro's, and it's surely on his shoulders that so much of the film feels oddly boring despite it revolving around gigantic robots.

If Pacific Rim 3 switched DeKnight out for a more experienced and successful tentpole director - probably not del Toro, but here's hoping - there'd probably be way more confidence about it actually turning out halfway decent.

How Likely Is It?: Not very, honestly. DeKnight has already extensively talked-up a potential third film, and there's little indication the production was a rough one, so it's hard to imagine Legendary or Universal insisting that he be replaced. He could quietly step back and merely serve as a writer-producer, but he's probably still directing, sadly. 4/10

What do you want to see in the third Pacific Rim? Shout it out in the comments!

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.