Pacific Rim 3: 10 Things We Want To See

9. More Jaeger Vs. Kaiju Action

Pacific Rim Kaiju Jaeger

It's truly shocking how little Jaeger vs. Kaiju action there is in Uprising, considering it was the bread and butter of the first movie and was effectively what everyone paid to see more of in the sequel.

Uprising instead focused on Jaegers battling other Jaegers and the emergence of a Jaeger-Kaiju hybrid, saving the more typical robot vs. monster fights for the tail-end of the film.

The third movie absolutely must remedy this with at least a Jaeger vs. Kaiju fight in every act of the movie: start out with one, hurl another in the middle and, of course, an epic final battle. That's what fans want to see.

How Likely Is It?: If DeKnight and co. are at all listening to the criticisms of Uprising, they'll appreciate the less-is-more appeal of scaling back the mayhem and focusing more squarely on giant robots punching giant monsters in the face.

At the same time, the filmmakers may feel pressure to once again change-up the series' formula to avoid staleness, so it's entirely possible Pacific Rim 3 could go in a totally different, wildly radical direction.

Perhaps the humans manage to tame some of the Kaiju and the film revolves around Kaiju vs. Kaiju battles this time, with the Jaegers taking more of a backseat, for instance?

Either way, it's probably best to keep your expectations low for a renewed focus on Jaeger vs. Kaiju fights. 4/10

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.