Pirates Of The Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales Review - 5 Ups & 5 Downs

1. It's Got A Terrible Plot Twist

Pirates Of The Caribbean Dead Men Tell No Tales

No spoilers here, but there's a reveal in the final reel of this movie that's just too ridiculous, even for the standards of this franchise. The audience learns a piece of information which fundamentally changes their view of a certain character, but it's not remotely believable and feels shoehorned in just because.

This becomes more of an issue during the final action sequence, where this reveal is exploited for an emotional response from the audience, one that doesn't really work at all and is more sigh-inducing than dramatically potent.

Thankfully it can be quietly forgotten about in the next movie if the general fan response is unfavourable, and within this movie, it's both a failure and a totally unnecessary attempt in the first place.

These issues aside, there is some sure fun to be had, and so here's everything the fifth Pirates movie gets right...


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.