Pixar's 11 Greatest Moments

7. The Incredibles Save The World - The Incredibles

The Incredibles Speaking of Brad Bird, his first Pixar film - 2004's The Incredibles - is by far one of the studio's finest offerings. Serving as both a loving homage and a deconstruction of the superhero genre, the movie is jam-packed with thrilling action sequences, surprisingly deep characters, and tons of funny scenes ("Where's my super suit?" and anything with Edna come to mind). You knew this movie was gonna have one heck of a climax. Long before The Avengers was even a thought in anyone's mind, Pixar had their own superhero team join forces to stop an evil threat. When Syndrome's robot begins to wreck havoc on the city and Syndrome himself incapable of doing anything (thwarting his plan), it's up to the Incredibles and Frozone to save the world. It's a third act that's an absolute blast to watch on screen. Watching the heroes embrace their powers and work together is just as exciting as the finale to The Dark Knight Rises. The best part was when the team played keep-away with the remote by utilizing everyone. Dash's speed, Mr. Incredible's strength, Violet's ability to turn invisible, Elastigirl's flexibility, and Frozone's ice powers all came in to play. It was great seeing how all the characters came together and defeated the robot by using team chemistry. A highly entertaining end, the final battle in The Incredibles is why we go to the movies. This part is so epic and satisfying, it almost makes the film's real ending (with Syndrome holding Jack-Jack hostage) anti-climactic. Yes, that moment is hysterical, but it doesn't match up to the fight against the robot.

I spend most of my free time either reading about upcoming movies, watching movies, or going to the movie theater. I enjoy watching all types of films from summer blockbusters to Oscar contending dramas. I am also a huge sports fan, rooting for the New York Giants, Knicks, and Yankees