Predicting 10 Biggest Box Office Movie Bombs Of 2016

7. The 5th Wave

One of the major cinematic trends of the last decade has been adapting what seems like every successful young adult book series for the big screen to capitalize on the phenomenal success of the Harry Potter series, with the results mixed to say the least. While the Twilight and Hunger Games franchises enjoyed multi-billion dollar box office success and the Divergent and Maze Runner movies have proved financially successful (albeit to a much lesser degree), there are countless other book-to-screen projects that have ended in failure at the first attempt. The latest to roll off the production line is The 5th Wave, based on the first installment of Rick Yancey's book trilogy and on what we've seen so far, the jury is still out on whether or not the movie will turn out to be a box office success. Despite having the incredibly talented Chloe Grace Moretz in the lead role, the marketing materials have inadvertently made the project seem like a mix-and-match from the numerous other interchangeable literary adaptations that have hit theaters over the last few years, offering what seems to be little in the way of originality. The January 22nd release date can be looked at in one of two ways; its either a smart move to release the movie so early to avoid direct competition and attract the widest audience possible, or a lack of faith from the studio as January is still regarded by some as a cinematic dumping ground. The 5th Wave has suffered from a generic marketing campaign and lacks the name recognition of its literary peers, and with Kung Fu Panda arriving a week later and set to be the go-to option for family audiences throughout the early part of the year, the movie will need good reviews to keep its head above water at the box office.

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