Predicting 10 Biggest Box Office Movie Bombs Of 2016

5. Ben-Hur

William Wyler's 1959 historical epic Ben-Hur is without a doubt one of the most famous movies ever made. The most expensive production in history at the time, it went on to earn $146.9m during its theatrical release (almost $1.2bn when adjusted for inflation) and won eleven Academy Awards including Best Picture, Best Director and Best Actor. Of course, its also worth remembering that this was the third time the tale had been adapted for the big screen following a 15 minute short film released in 1907 and the much more famous 1925 version. This summer, the tale of Ben-Hur hits the big screen for the first time in 57 years, armed with a blockbuster budget and Kazakh director Timur Bekmambetov at the helm. Remaking established classics is always a tricky proposition, especially when there are hundreds of millions of studio dollars at stake and the genre has been decidedly hit or miss at the box office in recent years. Since Gladiator kicked off the renaissance for historical epics at the start of the 21st Century the likes of Kingdom of Heaven, Alexander, King Arthur, and Exodus: Gods and Kings all failed to garner much critical or commercial success. While Bekmambetov possesses undoubted visual skills, his only feature since Hollywood breakthrough Wanted in 2008 has been the dud Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter, and the director's work throughout his career has always prioritized style over substance. Factor in an August 12 release date three weeks after Star Trek Beyond and Ice Age 5, two weeks after Bourne 5 and seven days after Suicide Squad, and Ben-Hur faces a difficult task to avoid becoming lost in the shuffle at the summer box office.

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