Predicting 10 Ways Upcoming Marvel Movies Could Tie Into Infinity War

3. Checking In On The Stones

The Collector & Infinity Stones
Marvel Studios

Considering that the Infinity Stones have been slowly drip-fed to audiences since 2011’s Captain America: The First Avenger, it’s not always an easy task remembering the current locations of the little nuisances.

While some of the stones are hidden in plain sight (Vision is straight up begging to be murdered), the locations of others are currently up for debate (what happened to the Reality Stone after The Collector’s shop blew up?).

Due to the confusion this could potentially cause for more casual audiences, it might be beneficial to have a light refresher on the location of the six stones before Infinity War is released to clear up any uncertainty on the matter.

This could be another scene in which Thor has a vision much like in Avengers: Age of Ultron, or could be as simple as Doctor Strange reading up on the rest of the Infinity Stones in a post-credits scene; but more on that later.


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