Predicting The Next 28 Movies Marvel Will Make Up To 2028

11. The New Avengers (2023)

While Tony Stark leads the newly strengthened SHIELD, with his own government sanctioned Avengers team, Luke Cage and a group of misfits who refused to comply with the new superhero registration laws band together to form an underground Avengers group, calling themselves the New Avengers, and dedicated to saving people in any way they see fit. Cage approaches Wolverine to join, as well as Spider-Man (of course depending on rights issues), Bucky Barnes as Captain America, and Black Widow to take down the threat of Mastermind, who has been using his power for illusions to create mass hysteria and to control the US government to his own ends, as well as superpressing the powers of the Sentry, who believes if he intervenes on Earth, he will destroy it. The Cameo: Ms Marvel, who refuses the chance to join the group, wishing to make a more respectable name for herself.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.