Predicting The Next 28 Movies Marvel Will Make Up To 2028

10. Daredevil (2024)

With the rights now back with Marvel, and the faint promise of new characters, a new origin story for Daredevil makes sense, even though Ben Affleck's version of the character left a bad taste in some audience mouths. The character has more than enough promise, and 2024 should give Marvel ample opportunity to write and develop the right story, as well as quietly brushing any remaining bad sentiment away with a decade of phenomenally successful movies (which would presumably be necessary in order to get to this stage). The difficulty of course is avoiding the links to Batman's dark origin story, but bringing in The Punisher (whose rights Marvel obviously still own) as an antagonist would be a good way to shake that up. Cameo: Black Widow, who has worked alongside Daredevil in the past.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.