Predicting The Rotten Tomatoes Scores Of 2016's Superhero Movies

5. Captain America: Civil War

Captain America: Civil War is effectively another Avengers movie, and while Captain America is expected to remain the lead, you have to believe that a lot of his screen time is going to be eaten up by Iron Man, Spider-Man, and the rest of Earth's Mightiest Heroes. Of course, so long as the movie manages that well, there's absolutely no reason why it being such a busy film should negatively impact how critics rate it. That will ultimately come down to the Russos ensuring that Captain America doesn't become a supporting character in his own movie. With this being the first Phase 3 movie, Marvel face some issues in regards to avoiding one of the main criticisms thrown at Avengers: Age Of Ultron; world building. If the story becomes too wrapped up in setting up where each Avenger is going to be moving forward (and that's an inevitability seeing as Civil War is such a game changing story), the stuff comic book fans love will again come under fire. In all honesty though, other than complaints about certain actors being wasted in minor roles - just how much screen time is going to be left for Daniel Bruhl and Martin Freeman? - it's hard to imagine where this one could go wrong. After all, it reunites the writing and directing teams behind Captain America: The Winter Solider, and Marvel are so confident in their ability that they've all already been hired for Avengers: Infinity War. Ultimately, that team could actually be Captain America: Civil War's downfall. The movie is bound to draw comparisons to The Winter Solider, a release many have called Marvel's best, and that may hold this one back. After all, if there's one thing some critics love to do, it's harp on about what's come before, and Civil War will inevitably be criticised for not living up to its predecessor... unless it completely blows that out of the water of course! Unfortunately, until we see some footage and discover if the Russos have succeeded in ensuring Cap isn't overshadowed I'm not confident enough to say whether it will top The Winter Soldier. For now though, I'm betting this one will ever so slightly fall short of the previous instalment in the franchise. Predicted Score: 85%

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