Predicting The Rotten Tomatoes Scores Of 2016's Superhero Movies

4. X-Men: Apocalypse

X-Men: Days Of Future Past was one of the best reviewed comic book movies of 2014, so expectations are understandably high for X-Men: Apocalypse. With no time travel this time around, the plot of the follow-up should be a lot more straightforward, with the focus now on the X-Men's battle with Apocalypse and his Four Horsemen. While previous X-Men movies have introduced far too many new characters - something this one is definitely at risk of doing with the addition of everyone from Cyclops to Psylocke and Nightcrawler - Singer has always managed to find a good balance, even if it means some fan-favourites are relegated to glorified cameos. Warpath and Blink are two very good examples of that; while their roles in Days Of Future Past was minor, Singer managed to find a way to still make them stand out, so any complaints about this one being too crowded seem unlikely. If anything is going to earn X-Men: Apocalypse some serious critical acclaim though, it's the cast. James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, and Jennifer Lawrence will all no doubt once again be given some very strong material to work with, while Oscar Isaac completely stealing the show as Apocalypse isn't the least bit difficult to imagine following Ex Machina and Show Me A Hero. The only way this one could really go wrong is if it gets too bogged down in Apocalypse's potentially confusing mythology (to non-comic book fans anyway) or setting the stage for putting the X-Men in a position where they're poised to become the team fans remember from Singer's first X-Men movie. After all, he's already indicated that there's going to be some sort of homage to that, but hopefully that's all it will end up being rather than something which ends up dominating the story too much. That being a problem seems unlikely though, so I'm going to play it safe with this one by estimating a score just slightly above that of X-Men: Days Of Future Past. Predicted Score: 92%

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