Ranking All Of Sean Bean's Movie Deaths From Lamest To Best

8. The Island - Shot n the Neck and Hanged with the Cord

The Island is a movie about a utopian society where the residents hope to one day be selected to live out the rest of the days on The Island, the last place on Earth to be uncontaminated by the horrors of the world. It turns out, however, that Sean Bean's character (Dr. Merrick) is using the cloned inhabitants and harvesting their organs for the wealthy who live in the outside world.

When one of the clones becomes self aware, he tries to release the others. Merrick, of course, isn't keen on the idea and in a rather brutal showdown with Ewan McGregor, he is shot with a harpoon and hanged from the railings.

Firstly, it has to be commended that, considering it's a Michael Bay feature, the bad guy wasn't blown to a million pieces in an over the top explosion. Secondly, harpoon deaths are brutal and there aren't enough in the movie world. Finally, the close up shot of Bean's eyes shutting is a wonderful artistic choice.

Ouch, That's Gotta Hurt: 10/10

Shock factor: 6/10

Dramatic close up of his eyes closing for the last time: 10/10


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