Ranking Bad Robot Movies From Worst To Best

11. Morning Glory (2010)

Without question the most unexpected film produced by Bad Robot, if only because it's nothing at all like anything else they've made to date, Morning Glory is a movie about New York news anchors starring Rachel McAdams, Harrison Ford and Diane Keaton. "Ah," you say. "Perhaps J.J. Abrams just made Morning Glory to get close to Ford in case he ever needed to enlist him for Star Wars: Episode VII. Yeah, that makes sense." Um, sure? Ignore that this was two years before Episode VII was even first mooted. Unfortunately, Morning Glory - despite its strong cast - isn't a particularly memorable film; for a motion picture produced by Bad Robot, it's a surprising safe and by-the-numbers comedy flick, which makes J.J. Abrams involvement a curious affair. It doesn't say anything notable about the television business, either, which gives it a disposable feel. Luckily, the acting is pretty good throughout and Ford is on solid form. Not terrible, but not particularly good either, this is definitely Bad Robot's weakest effort.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.