Ranking Every DC Comic Book Movie From Worst To Best

20. The Losers

DC Movies
Warner Bros Pictures

The Losers should have been like Suicide Squad meets the A-Team with a healthy side serving of The Expendables. Based on an excellent Vertigo comic, it should have been action-heavy, funny and cool with a self-deprecating edge, but it missed the post-modern edge required and there's not enough self-awareness in there.

With Tropic Thunder, the A-Team and The Expendables all coming out around it, The Losers singularly fails to acknowledge that its obsession with pyrotechnic action and violence is from another era. Had someone like Shane Black written it, it would have been perfect, but there's no sense of that secondary level and all that's left is disposable, idiotic "fun".

It's not entirely unwatchable by any means, and the cast is good (in particular Chris Evans in his second comic book movie role), but it ends up being too cliched and too mired in trying to be a lot cooler than it is without trying for any substance to really last in the memory.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.