Ranking Every DC Comic Book Movie From Worst To Best

17. Superman Returns

DC Movies
Warner Bros. Pictures

It's pretty damning to think that after several attempts to bring Superman back to life after the disastrous Superman IV that THIS was deemed the best option for continuing the franchise.

Superman Returns is not a terrible film, by any means, it's just dangerously boring and hamstrung by uninteresting side characters. Even when the action amps up and we get spectacles like Supes saving the airplane, it feels almost perfunctory rather than exciting, as if it's there to fill some sort of quota with its arm pushed up its back in protest.

The climax really doesn't deserve two and a half hours of build up, and even director Bryan Singer concedes that it might have been better as an origin story. There is a lot of promise in there (and some people do legitimately love it), but the single biggest problem is the casting of Brandon Routh, who lacks the right charm and who seems to have been cast solely because he looks like Christopher Reeve.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.