Ranking Every DC Comic Book Movie From Worst To Best

27. Superman IV

DC Movies
Warner Bros.

Superman IV is classed as one of the worst movies ever made. Not just the worst comic book movies. The worst movies. And it's not even unearned.

The return of Gene Hackman as villain Lex Luthor might have been a good move, but almost everything else - from Scrappy Doo like Lennie Luthor to Nuclear Man and the most on-the-nose anti-Nuclear Weapons message in the history of PSAs - is just garbage. There is some camp value, but it's too mushed up with ridiculousness that it's hard to even appreciate the film on that level.

The worst issue is the story: Lex Luthor getting out of prison is fine, but then creating life by using one of Superman's hairs to genetically clone him by way of a nuclear missile, which Superman then throws into the sun creating Nuclear Man is like the wild, drunken ravings of a crazed toddler. HOW IS HE A CLONE? HE LOOKS NOTHING LIKE SUPERMAN!


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.