Ranking Every DC Movie Villain From Worst To Best

28. Quentin Turnbull - John Malkovich (Jonah Hex)

DC Villains Updated
Warner Bros.

To a certain degree, it shouldn't be surprising that John Malkovich's evil turn in Jonah Hex turned out as poorly as it did. Given the "silly" material it was inevitable that the over-blown, pantomime version of the great actor would turn up and chew his way distractingly through his scenes.

The end result is something sort of resembling Kenneth Branagh's preposterous performance in Wild Wild West - albeit without the giant mech-spider- as the film tries really, really hard to get us to care about his history with Jonah Hex. It doesn't really work, despite the over-statement.

Thanks to a ridiculous (but merciful) run-time of just over 70 minutes, there's never enough time to actually care about Malkovich's motivations (his wanton hatred of America and desire for mega-weaponry makes him a bit of a Kim Jong Il stand-in). And the revelation that his super-weapon requires two separate firing phases is just ludicrous.

Special mention must also go to Michael Fassbender, playing Turnbull's psychotic side-kick Burke, and doing his level best to kill all of his credibility.

Jonah Hex is available to buy from Amazon.

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