Ranking Every DC Movie Villain From Worst To Best

22. Erich Ludendorff - Danny Huston (Wonder Woman)

DC Villains Updated
Warner Bros.

In all honesty, Erich Lundendorff is no more than a red herring villain, so he loses some of his impact almost immediately when it's revealed that he's not the big deal he seems. Unfortunately for him, that reveal came before the film even came out, so he was already fighting an uphill battle.

Even with Danny Huston behind the character, he's no more than a sneering stereotype - a cartoonish cliche of what you'd expect a villain to be, without that extra level of malevolence that the others in Wonder Woman have. It's probably a conscious decision, since he shouldn't have been allowed to upstage anyone, but it doesn't really make him a great or memorable villain.

And considering the other DC villains he's competing with, his drive being simply to kill lots of people isn't all that remarkable.

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