Ranking Every Final Destination Death From Worst To Best

15. Crushed By Plane (Nathan Sears - Final Destination 5)

Final Destination 5 Nate
New Line Cinema

The series' final death to date is also one of its most ironic and poetic.

After it's revealed that the film is in fact a prequel to the original Final Destination, the closing scene sees survivor Nathan (Arlen Escarpeta) learn that Roy, the man he accidentally killed earlier in the film, was going die soon regardless due to a brain aneurysm.

And just as Nate realises that he's still in danger, Flight 180's landing gear crashes through the bar and crushes him to death, even catapulting his arm at the screen before the end credits roll. Glorious.

14. Guts Sucked Out (Hunt Wynorski - The Final Destination)

The Final Destination Hunt
New Line Cinema

It was just a matter of time before the Final Destination series started to rip off urban legends for its death scenes, and that it did with sure effed-up style in the fourth film.

Through a highly convoluted set of precise circumstances, Hunt ends up sucked towards a pool drain while diving for his lucky coin. Eventually the pressure is significant enough to rip his insides out of his anus, even shooting them up into the air.

There aren't really any more embarrassing deaths in the series than this, and it's exactly the sort of inspired absurdity Final Destination needed at this point.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.