Ranking Every Final Destination Death From Worst To Best

13. The Ironically Deadly Airbag (Kat Jennings - Final Destination 2)

Final Destination 2 Kat
New Line Cinema

In the grimly ironic stakes, there are few better deaths than that of Kat (Keegan Connor Tracy), who survives a car accident only to get impaled through the head by a piece of debris.

Kat effectively gets herself killed by snarkily asking a rescue worker to work the jaws of life a little quieter, prompting him to ram it especially hard, in turn deploying her airbag and forcing her head back through the debris.

Things get even worse from there, as her lit cigarette then falls to the ground and ends up triggering Roy's demise - but more on that shortly.

12. The Bridge Collapse (Final Destination 5)

Final Destination 5
New Line Cinema

The fifth film's opening premonition was a major return to form for the series, and proved that with a skilled enough director, CGI-heavy sequences could actually be incredibly effective.

There's a decent amount of diversity to the deaths on offer here - impalement, crushed by a car, impaled, melted with hot tar - and it's also genuinely suspenseful despite clearly being a premonition.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.