Ranking Every Final Destination Death From Worst To Best

11. Evan Takes A Ladder (Evan Lewis - Final Destination 2)

Final Destination 2 Evan
New Line Cinema

Evan's (David Paetkau) death was one of the first in the series to truly toy with the audience's expectations, constantly setting up and defusing situations which would seemingly cause his death.

But after escaping his flaming apartment and surviving slipping on his own spaghetti, Evan's luck runs out when a janky ladder falls directly onto his face, impaling his eyes.

As unlikely as it is that a ladder could ever fall with enough force to penetrate a human skull, it's still brilliantly disgusting.

10. Sliced & Diced (Rory Peters - Final Destination 2)

Final Destination 2 Rory
New Line Cinema

After Kat dies, her cigarette falls out of her hands and triggers a huge explosion, catapulting a barbed wire fence into the path of Fory, cutting through him like butter.

Yes, it's completely unrealistic that wire could ever be launched fast enough to slice a human being into meaty chunks, but seeing Rory fall apart walks a fine line of not too cartoonish yet just cartoonish enough.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.