Ranking Every Jim Carrey Movie Worst To Best

23. Doing Time On Maple Drive (1992)

Doing Time on Maple Drive Jim Carrey

On paper it's easy to see how an actor like Carrey could nail the role of an alcoholic young man, channelling his boundless energy into something darker and more grimly telling.

And while this TV movie is certainly a solid early showcase for his dramatic chops, it's also fair to say that he's often pushed to the periphery - being a supporting character and all.

Overall it's a decent family drama that feels unmistakably like a TV movie in every fiber of its core, but also provided an early hint that Carrey was destined for far more than mere broad comedy.

22. Simon Birch (1998)

Simon Birch Jim Carrey
Buena Vista

An aggressively treacly drama that's nevertheless brought down to Earth by committed work from Ashley Judd and David Strathairn, Simon Birch is watchable yet disposable melodramatic candy floss.

Carrey serves as the film's narrator and makes a small cameo appearance as the adult version of protagonist Joe Wenteworth, so clearly this isn't a film worth seeing for his involvement alone.

It's sappy but effective to a point - if you're feeling low and want a movie that'll make you cry effortlessly, this will more than do the job.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.