Ranking Every Jim Carrey Movie Worst To Best

21. Batman Forever (1995)

Batman Forever Tommy Lee Jones Jim Carrey
Warner Bros.

The first of Joel Schunacher's two Batman films may be too aggressively candy-coloured, campy, and homoerotic for some, but it was nothing if not a singular vision for the IP.

If fundamentally messy, Batman Forever is a boatload of fun - visually stunning, tonally bewildering, and well-performed by its cast, particularly Carrey and Tommy Lee-Jones as the cartoonish villains, The Riddler and Two-Face.

As is often the case in Batman movies, the antagonists end up overshadowing the hero, as Val Kilmer's Caped Crusader received rather mixed reviews from critics and audience alike.

Instead, the show was stolen by the high-energy thrusting of Carrey's Edward Nygma and Jones' Joker-esque Harvey Dent. By any measure, it's leagues ahead of the sequel, Batman & Robin.

20. Earth Girls Are Easy (1988)

Earth Girls Are Easy Jim Carrey
Vestron Pictures

Earth Girls Are Easy stars Geena Davis as a romantically unsatisfied Valley girl who crosses paths with three aliens - played by Jeff Goldblum, Carrey, and Damon Wayans respectively - who recently crash-landed in California.

This is a shamelessly goofy musical sci-fi rom-com, and while undeniably scattershot, it more often than not hits its silly, sexy markers.

All the cast seem like they're having a blast, and though this is a rare movie where Carrey doesn't manage to stand out much from the pack, he's still fun to watch alongside Goldblum and Wayans.

'80s sex comedies don't get much weirder than this. You won't forget it, that's for sure.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.