Ranking Every Keanu Reeves Movie Worst To Best

68. Sweet November (2001)

Sweet November Keanu Reeves Charlize Theron
Warner Bros.

Keanu scored his fifth Razzie nomination here for his dull-as-dishwater performance as a workaholic executive whose life changes forever when he meets a free-spirited woman (Charlize Theron).

Though Sweet November is a mawkish romantic drama full of unearned sentiment, what really sinks it is the fatal lack of chemistry between Reeves and Theron (who also received a Razzie nod for her work).

It did nevertheless win the dubious honour of gaining a spot on The Official Razzie Movie Guide's 100 Most Enjoyably Bad Movies Ever Made.

67. Even Cowgirls Get The Blues (1993)

Even Cowgirls Get the Blues Keanu Reeves
Fine Line Features

Though the combo of Keanu and Gus Van Sant proved terrifically effective a few years prior in 1991's My Own Private Idaho, this Uma Thurman-starring romantic dramedy adapts Tom Robbins' beloved source novel into an embarrassingly silly misstep from a filmmaker who should've known better.

Keanu gets away with his dignity in tact by virtue of his role - as asthmatic artist Julian - being a mere cameo, but overall this is a film which commits the dual sin of being both ridiculous and oddly boring.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.