Ranking: Every Tom Cruise Action Movie From Worst To Best

14. Mission: Impossible II

Tom Cruise Mission Impossible 2 Edge Of Tomorrow

Legendary action filmmaker John Woo truly outdoes himself with this hilariously dumb sequel that boasts easily the most ludicrous array of action sequences in Cruise's entire career.

The plot and characters are basically total nonsense here (including an outrageous throwaway cameo from Anthony Hopkins), but Woo knows how to stage death-and-physics-defying action like nobody else, and to that end the movie totally delivers.

You probably won't come away from it remembering much other than the set-pieces and Thandie Newton as Cruise's love interest, but sometimes cinematic junk food just does the trick.

Best Moment: Cruise's Ethan Hunt engages in a motorcycle duel with antagonist Sean Ambrose (a hammy Dougray Scott), resulting in the two driving their bikes towards one another and diving off at just the right moment, catching one another in mid-air as both of their bikes fly away and spontaneously explode. The most Woo thing ever.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.