Ranking Freddy Krueger's Deaths Worst To Best

2. Dream Warriors - A Nightmare On Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors (1987)

Freddy Krueger On Fire
New Line Cinema

After what was a fairly mixed series of reviews for Freddy's Revenge, New Line Cinema decided to roll the dice for what they thought was one more time by using a screenplay co-written by original Freddy creator, Wes Craven. A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors is set just a year after the events of 'Freddy's Revenge' and follows the story of several children living at Westin Hospital who, guided by original final girl Nancy Thompson, take on Freddy in their dreams.

Dream Warriors is a really great film. It blends the cartoonish, fantastical elements you could only find in your dreams with an increasingly real kind of dark humour that keeps the film on tone and hugely entertaining. The characters are diverse and engaging, Robert Englund has absolutely his his stride as Freddy and the final sequences of the Dream Warriors using their powers against Krueger make for some powerful scenes.

The finale to Dream Warriors is also great, featuring Freddy fighting on two fronts up on the surface of his grave and against the remaining Dream Warriors. Krueger initially looks to have the upper hand on our heroes, proclaiming himself to be too strong for them and even stabbing Nancy.

You can't keep a good Thompson down however and, in the ultimate bout of awesomeness, she uses her final moments to stab Krueger right in the chest with his own glove. Dousing his grave in holy water leaves Freddy out for the count and brings an end to one of the horror world's most important films.


Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.