Ranking Jean-Claude Van Damme's Boss Fights

11. Hard Target

Van Damme's Role: Chance Boudreaux (named because his mother "took a chance" at unprotected sex), a drifter hired to help a woman find her missing father, who they'll find out has been killed for sport.

The Bad Guy: One of the least physically imposing bad guys of all time, Lance Henrikksen makes up for it with menace and a flaming two-by-four. His attempts to block JCVD's punches are downright laughable, but he gets a plethora of cool one-liners and wears a pretty sweet duster, so it more or less evens out.

The Fight in a Nutshell: The closest thing to an outright action movie Van Damme did in the '90s, Hard Target had its characters trading more bullets than kicks. And honestly, this last fight could've subbed Kurt Russell for Van Damme and been just as convincing. It does, however, contain a ridiculously slow-motion jump kick and a grenade being dropped down someone's pants, so there's that.


Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.