Ranking Jean-Claude Van Damme's Boss Fights

10. Death Warrant

Van Damme's Role: Louis Burke, a detective investigating the unexplained deaths of multiple prisoners at Harrison Penitentiary by posing as an inmate.

The Bad Guy: Sandman is perhaps the only villain on this list that is imposing strictly because of his craziness. Looking like a demonic G.I. Joe come to life, his biggest weapon isn't the oversized wrench he's wielding, but the look of absolute vacancy behind his eyes.

The Fight in a Nutshell: Van Damme gets knocked off his feet by a giant, flying wrench to start the fight. And it only gets weirder from there. There's a long game of hide-and-seek after that, an incident with a oscillating sander that gives a mean haircut, and a recently deep-fried and brain-impaled Sandman declaring that he can't be killed, before a slight rearranging of his skewered head proves that to be untrue.


Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.