Ranking: Liam Neeson's Action Movies From Worst To Best

9. Unknown

Neeson's first of three collaborations with director Jaume Collet-Serra is a wildly twisty thriller in which Dr. Martin Harris (Neeson) is involved in a car crash which leaves him in a coma for four days. When he wakes up, nobody accepts that he is the real Martin Harris, and even his wife (January Jones) claims to have no idea who he is. Is he being hoodwinked, or did the crash cause a major malfunction in his brain? Collet-Serra does a fine job milking plenty of suspense out of this thoroughly absurd Hitchcockian thriller, and Neeson's believable everyman performance helps sell it all. Though not as action-packed as the Taken films, for example, the knowing silliness makes it a welcome indulgence for the actor's fans, not taking itself seriously enough that it would generate unintended laughs, but still managing to be genuinely tense and compelling all the way to the finish line. Also, it boasts a major plus in a fine supporting performance from legendary Swiss actor Bruno Ganz (best known for playing Hitler in the masterful German film Downfall).

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.