Ranking March 2019's Movies From Worst To Best

18. The Aftermath

The Aftermath Keira Knightley
Fox Searchlight

Rotten Tomatoes Score: 26% (4.9/10)

Box Office: Budgetary data isn't available, but the Keira Knightley-led period drama failed to catch fire during its limited U.S. release or on wider release in the U.K.

With its depressing $3.1 million worldwide cume to date, The Aftermath is dead on arrival.

Verdict: It's becoming a bit of a running joke that Keira Knightley can't resist any period drama offered to her, and though in fairness most of them turn out solid enough, this flat melodrama is a rare exception.

Far more of a soap opera than it ever wants to admit, The Aftermath benefits from the solid performances of Knightley, Jason Clarke and Alexander SkarsgÄrd, but struggles to muster the requisite passion to make its predictable love triangle plot work.

It's the sort of movie you'll find on TV a few years from now and leave on as white noise while you're doing literally anything else. Not terrible, but not remotely befitting its cast.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.