Rotten Tomatoes Score: 16% (3.8/10) Box Office: Produced for a sizable $70 million price tag, The Last Witch Hunter disappointed right out of the gate, grossing slightly less than projected and to date still not making back its budget, sat at just $57 million worldwide. The Verdict: The most evident problem with the movie is that it just doesn't look like it cost $70 million or anything close to it: where are the epic, CGI-driven set-pieces? It's a bland yet oddly star-studded film which fails to do much with Michael Caine (who spends most of the movie in a magic coma) or Elijah Wood (who is nevertheless the best thing in it). Vin Diesel adds yet another bomb to his name outside of the Fast And Furious films, a peculiar mix of several types of movie that doesn't really work as any of them. The plot is a generic mish-mash, the acting is laughable (Diesel is at his wooden worst), the romance blows, and there's not a single action sequence you're going to remember more than a few hours later. Tripe.
Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes).
General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.