Ranking September 2018's Movies From Worst To Best
11. The Little Stranger

Rotten Tomatoes Score: 65% (6.5/10)
Box Office: Lenny Abrahamson's (Room) horror film clearly didn't cost much, but it's only barely cracked $1 million worldwide to date. With a depressing $847 pre-screen average in North America, it's a certifiable dud.
Verdict: An enjoyably small-scale Gothic drama albeit a tad underwhelming given its talented director, The Little Stranger does a terrific job generating a thick atmosphere, though the slow-burn approach does occasionally give way to boredom.
The ensemble cast is terrific, naturally, especially a splendid Ruth Wilson, though the film being mis-marketed as a straight-up horror film no doubt left many viewers disappointed by the more restrained end result.
A neat little exercise though hardly a vital film in any respect. Worth a watch at home if you're bored, but it's easy to see why so few ventured outside to catch this one.