Ranking September 2018's Movies From Worst To Best
15. The Predator

Rotten Tomatoes Score: 34% (5.0/10)
Box Office: Shane Black was given a mighty $88 million budget to re-imagine the Predator franchise in a blockbuster mould, yet the combination of mediocre marketing and poor reviews ensured it opened pretty soft, and after three weekends on release, it's only grossed $115.8 million.
Any prospect of a sequel or a wider cinematic universe is dead on arrival, basically.
Verdict: Oh dear. Despite a wealth of promise on paper, the latest attempt to bring the Predator series surging back to life is a wonky Frankenstein's monster of a movie. Hacked to pieces in editing, the end result is a tonally jarring, outrageously inane film which steers the Predator mythos in a direction just about no fan actually wanted.
It occasionally manages to be entertainingly dumb, but for the most part it's a sloppily produced, visually ugly, and depressingly unfunny offering from the otherwise reliable Black. There might not be a more disappointing movie released all year.