Ranking September 2018's Movies From Worst To Best
14. Final Score
Rotten Tomatoes Score: 71% (5.3/10)
Box Office: The $20 million Dave Bautista-starring action flick has grossed barely $15,000 theatrically, though it was primarily rolled out via VOD services in both the U.K. and internationally. Still, it's tough to imagine this one doing great business on home video either.
Verdict: What a bizarre film this is. Despite being an MCU household name and proving his dramatic chops in Blade Runner 2049, Dave Bautista continues to regularly appear in action schlock like this, but to its mild credit, Final Score at least doesn't take itself too seriously.
A wildly silly film about a tough-man attempting to rescue his kidnapped niece from terrorists in the middle of a football game, Final Score is Poundland Die Hard and absolutely knows it. As goofy as the film is half the time - Pierce Brosnan's hammy Russian accent is a thing of beauty - the other half however can be a bit of a bore.
Probably worth a watch if a) you love football, b) you love Bautista and c) you've had a few beers, but otherwise the intermittent delights aren't quite worth 90 minutes of your time.