Ranking: The Biggest Protagonists From 2016's Summer Blockbusters

15. Tarzan (Alexander SkarsgÄrd) - The Legend Of Tarzan

Captain America Civil War Alice Through The Looking Glass Tarzan
Warner Bros.

The Role: John Clayton III aka the legendary vine-swinging King of the Jungle known as Tarzan.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with Alexander Skarsgard's performance in this movie: he obviously nails the physical aspects of the character (that ab separation!) and has solid chemistry with both Margot Robbie's Jane and Samuel L. Jackson's George Washington Williams, but that's sadly where the positives end.

It all comes down to the script and direction: Tarzan just isn't a very compelling hero here, and the utterly atrocious human CGI makes it tough to enjoy the action sequences as it's so clearly a crude digital maquette of Skarsgard.

Both player and part deserved much better than such a generic rebootquel treatment, because there was so much potential here.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.