Ranking The MCU Captain America Suits From Worst To Best

7. John Walker's Uniform

Captain America MCU Outfits
Marvel Studios

John Walker’s Captain America suit has huge similarities with Steve Rogers’ later ensembles but is still undeniably an original John Walker.

With the white parts of the abs and biceps area gone, it becomes primarily blue with red accents. With fewer separated layers and smaller padded pieces, it is a less busy design than his predecessor’s. The pieces that were brown on Steve’s - like the belt, the boots, the helmet straps, and the shield straps - are now black. Since they are black, they almost get lost in the ocean of blue.

The chest area is the territory of red horizontal stripes with small metallic ends that look like they are detachable straps. The biggest signifier that this is a new Captain is that the "A" on his head is shaped like a star, and the star on his chest is shaped like an "A". Instead of the star being centered on the chest, it is on the right side, ingeniously overlapping the strap that holds the shield.

Steve Rogers' costumes are always shown when they already have signs of battle damage. So, it is refreshing to see gear that is still brand new and not yet worn out.

Despite being similar to the original Cap suit at first glance, Walker's clothing differs. It is a sign of the continued creativity of the design department that they can have so many variations in how to dress America's biggest symbol.

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