Ranking The MCU Captain America Suits From Worst To Best

4. The Civil War Suit

Captain America MCU Outfits
Marvel Studios

The suit in Captain America: Civil War is a modified version of the one from Avengers: Age of Ultron, differentiated by minor but many alterations in the details. The most visible contrast is the reduction of red accents and the transformation of most of the attire into blue; a dark blue, at that. Captain America has always been a balance between superhero and soldier, but with this simple change, he is now more soldier.

This is in keeping with the feature’s tone of an espionage thriller where the morals of the Avengers as an unofficial global police force are questioned. The getup needs to be gritty and dirty because it is that kind of world. Since it is still primarily the Age of Ultron garb, it has the silhouette of ripped muscle, while a blue gear with little other bright colors denotes a police uniform.

Each new look in the series is always the next step in making Captain America grounded in the real world. This Civil War garment is a big leap forward.

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