Ranking The Next 10 Superhero Films From Least Anticipated To Most

7. Glass

Avengers Endgame

In the past, M. Night Shyamalan has dabbled in the superhero genre but this January looks to see him fully confronting it, head-on.

In Unbreakable, he set up a pseudo-comic-book universe with the rivalry of David Dunn and Elijah Price. In Split, he delved a bit deeper into the universe and its supernatural and psychiatric connotations with the character of Kevin Wendell Crumb.

Now, in Glass, Shyamalan looks to be making his most over-the-top and, for lack of a better term, comic-booky film to date. The trailers see Elijah and Kevin teaming up to wreak havoc and David Dunn having to use his powers to stop them, specifically teasing a mano-e-mano brawl between Dunn and The Beast personality of Kevin.

While the film has a healthy amount of buzz to it, thanks to the overwhelming popularity and success of Split, a fair number of general audience members were left more confused than bewildered by Split's final reveal that it was a stealth Unbreakable sequel, and that confusion has carried over into the marketing for this film. It also remains to be seen if Shyamalan can keep up the good work in this film or if he will revert back to his old ways and deliver a meandering mess ala Lady in the Water or The Happening.


A film enthusiast and writer, who'll explain to you why Jingle All The Way is a classic any day of the week.