Ranking The Next 10 Superhero Films From Least Anticipated To Most

6. Shazam!

Avengers Endgame
Warner Bros.

To say that DC and WB had a bad year last year is a bit of an understatement. After delivering the most unanimously beloved and praised film of the DCEU with Wonder Woman, they then proceeded to immediately shoot themselves in the foot.

Justice League was a Frankenstein-monster of a film that saw them attempting to please everyone and ultimately pleased no one. It was a critical and financial misfire that made it look as though the DCEU may have truly been finished off. But then at Comic-Con this year, DC came out swinging, releasing well-received trailers for both Aquaman and Shazam!. While critical reviews have yet to hit for Aquaman, the early reactions are mostly promising and if that stays true, the anticipation for Shazam! will sky-rocket.

Shazam!'s trailer sells it as a goofy, fun superhero film, which is exactly what a movie about a kid who says "Shazam!", gets struck by lightning, and turns into a Superman-esque superhero should be. If Aquaman proves that DC can actually right the ship and deliver these lighter-toned films, then expect the subsequent marketing around Shazam! to be a pretty easy sell and generate tons of buzz.


A film enthusiast and writer, who'll explain to you why Jingle All The Way is a classic any day of the week.