Ranking The X-Men Movie Villains - From Worst To Best

10. Emma Frost

Continuing our theme of ruined fan-favourites, Emma Frost - AKA the White Queen - is one of X-Men's most interesting characters on the page. Once the Hellfire Club's leading lady, she later found redemption and even led the X-Men along with her lover Cyclops. In X-Men: First Class, however, she is the weakest part of the film. Emma Frost should be a match for Charles's own telepathic powers, and has the cool extra ability of being able to turn into diamond to boot. Yet she never feels like a credible threat in the movie and hardly does anything more than just stand around as eye candy. January Jones also gives a peculiarly wooden performance; presumably she was aiming for sultry, but it ends up just looking like she is phoning it in. The character was so bad that she was unceremoniously killed off screen, as revealed in Days Of Future Past.
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