Ranking The X-Men Movie Villains - From Worst To Best

9. Juggernaut

Yet again, we have another classic X-Men character who was translated terribly on to film - this time it's one of the most formidable X-Men enemies, Juggernaut, being played for (bad) comic relief in X-Men: The Last Stand. In a movie that also covered a cure for mutants and the rise of the Phoenix, the filmmakers also made the unwise decision to squeeze in Juggernaut as a thick-headed lackey of Magneto's. Vinnie Jones is sound casting as the character for his physique, but he doesn't work wonders with the film's already poor dialogue, such as the immortal line, "I'm the Juggernaut, bitch!" By the time Juggernaut knocks himself out by running at a wall (when he should realise that his powers have been dampened), fans were likewise bashing their own heads against a wall; this take on the character is just so terrible.
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