Razzies 2017: 8 Winners That Make No Sense

7. Worst Supporting Actress - Kristen Wiig (Zoolander 2)

Kristen Wiig Zoolander 2

Why It Makes No Sense: Only Kristen Wiig and Aubrey Plaza (Dirty Grandpa) actually gave remotely memorable performances in this category, and both actually wrangled a few laughs from their parts despite the movies themselves being not-so-great.

Who Should've "Won": Take your pick. Julianne Hough (Dirty Grandpa) was incredibly forgettable but hardly offensive, Kate Hudson (Mother's Day) was much the same, Jane Seymour (Fifty Shades of Black) thoroughly embarrassed herself in a slumming role, and Sela Ward (Independence Day: Resurgence) was pretty much a non-entity.

Seymour's the only memorably bad, misjudged turn of the bunch, so she "wins".


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.