Razzies 2019: 7 Winners That Make No Sense

7. Worst Actor - Donald Trump (Death Of A Nation & Fahrenheit 11/9)

President-Elect Trump And Vice President-Elect Pence Meet With House Speaker Paul Ryan On Capitol Hill
2016 Getty Images

Though the Razzies aren't ever something to be taken too seriously, the show's tendency towards joke awards generally rouses more of an eye-roll than a genuine chuckle.

This year they dished out a few politics-themed awards, because who can resist taking a jab at America's P.O.T.U.S. himself, Donald Trump?

He won the Worst Actor award for his "appearance" in archival footage in Michael Moore's terrific documentary sequel Fahrenheit 11/9 and widely-panned right-wing propaganda doc Death of a Nation.

He also won the Worst Screen Combo award alongside "his self-perpetuating pettiness", beating out any two actors or puppets (The Happytime Murders), Johnny Depp and his fast-fading film career (Sherlock Gnomes), Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly (Holmes & Watson) and Kelly Preston and John Travolta (Gotti).

As much as one might loathe Trump, there's nothing close to wit or inventiveness about just throwing the Worst Actor award away on a cheap political gag. Yawn.

Who Should've Won: All four other nominees were at least somewhat deserving - Johnny Depp (Sherlock Gnomes), Will Ferrell (Holmes & Watson), John Travolta (Gotti) and Bruce Willis (Death Wish).

Travolta was at least trying in Gotti, misguided though his role was, whereas the same can't really be said of the other three.

The gold should've gone to Bruce Willis, whose weary, tired performance as Discount Charles Bronson in Eli Roth's Death Wish remake made an already tedious film even more of a bore.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.